What I Learned From Teaching Breathwork At A Festival

It’s taken me a couple of days, but I’ve finally unpacked from the most epic weekend at Camp VC, a wxmen’s moto and outdoor adventure festival held in Llangollen, North Wales.

After pitching to run a breathwork workshop earlier this year, I was stoked to join 500 women for 3 days of pushing boundaries, smashing stereotypes, and finding community.

The workshop was called ‘Letting Go of Fear’, where camp attendees would learn 3 practical breathwork techniques, to support them in facing their fears, as well as prompts to encourage self enquiry. I wanted these women to walk away with tools to help them navigate their nerves at the event, but also for the daily challenges and fears they face in the outside world.

I’ve done numerous breathwork sessions away from a screen over the last year but this was my first ever festival event, and I felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension for the weekend. This was definitely a step outside of my own comfort zone! Of course, I used breathwork to settle my nerves before getting started, and by the final workshop I felt calm, confident, and eager to meet the last group of breathers.

Preparing for the Workshop

Before arriving at the festival, I curated my favourite breathwork soundtracks and created a structured session plan, ensuring each breathwork technique I chose built upon the previous one. The core focus of this workshop was to help participants regulate their nervous systems through different breathing styles, enabling them to gain a greater sense of control over fears. The prompts I selected aimed to encourage each individual to delve deeper into their personal stories around fear, empowering them to confront and overcome these inner challenges.

Despite my preparations, I reminded myself to remain open to spontaneity, allowing the energy of the festival and the participants to shape the experience. I trusted that finding my own flow would come naturally with practice and experience, allowing me to adapt to each session as it was required.

Teaching at the Festival: The Experience

The moment I stepped into the workshop space, a wave of excitement and nervous energy washed over me. My 3 workshops were fully booked, so I was intrigued to see how many would turn up on the first afternoon of the event. There were fewer woman than originally planned for this opening workshop, but rather than be disappointed, I saw it as an opportunity to form deeper connections with a more intimate group.

As the weekend progressed, numbers increased and I became more confident - taking action really is the best way to boost self belief! The most rewarding moment of the festival was bumping into a couple of women who had attended on the first day. They told me they had and put the techniques they learned into practice during an enduro session, which helped them feel calm and in control. *proud!

Three Things I Learned

  1. Build confidence through action: Teaching breathwork at a festival reinforced a valuable lesson I’ve learned before: practice is the most effective way to improve and gain confidence. As a teacher, I felt well prepared for the workshops, but it was the act of actually leading the sessions that made all the difference. Each workshop provided an opportunity for growth, honing my skills, and finding my rhythm. With every breathwork session I guided, my confidence soared. Stepping outside my comfort zone was the catalyst for real progress.

  2. Making in-person connections is joyful: One of the things I enjoyed the most about this festival was the opportunity to work with people face-face. Nothing compares to the energy and aliveness when everyone is together, breathing. The shared laughter, the supportive nods, and the conversations between participants created a magical atmosphere.

  3. Feedback is not always immediate, and that’s ok: Teaching breathwork at Camp VC taught me the importance of patience when it comes to feedback. While some women were forthcoming in sharing their excitement to put into practice what they’ve learned, I know that for others it will be a slower burn. The impact of breathwork is not always immediate; it can unfold over days, weeks or even months, but they key is consistency and I hope those who came will remember that, if nothing else.

This experience was without doubt, a highlight for my business so far. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to teach breathwork at Camp VC and can’t wait to return next year. The festival not only enriched my skills as a teacher but also allowed me to connect with a truly awesome group of individuals, all there with the same purpose - to push personal boundaries, try new things and have fun.

To all the AWESOME women I had the pleasure of guiding on this breathwork adventure, thank you for showing up and investing time in yourself. ******Until we meet again at Camp VC or on any other breathwork journey, breathe deeply, embrace the unknown, and never forget the magic that happens when we let go of fear and tap into the power of the breath.


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How Breathwork Can Help You Face Your Fears With Confidence