Ditch the Resolutions. How to Embrace Intentional Living and Achieve Your Goals

January: the month of fresh starts, resolutions, ambitious goals, and... crickets chirp. It’s an endless to-do list leaving you feeling overwhelmed and defeated before February even arrives. Sound familiar?

Here's the thing, resolutions often fail because:

They are rigid and controlling:

80% of resolutions fail by February. Rigid goals often clash with life's unpredictable twists and turns, leaving you feeling defeated. Intentions, however, are guiding lights, not set-in-stone rules. They bend with life's ebb and flow, keeping you motivated and adaptable.

They create pressure and expectation:

Chasing lofty goals can increase stress and anxiety. Intentions, rooted in your deepest desires, spark intrinsic motivation and a sense of purpose. Each step, no matter how small, fuels the joy of pursuing what truly matters to you.

They encourage an ‘all or nothing’ mentality:

One slip-up and the entire resolution feels like a failure. This can lead to discouragement and abandonment. Intentions encourage self-compassion and focus on progress, not perfection.

Enter, Intentions.

This year, I encourage you to ditch the pressure to be productive and embrace a gentler, more fulfilling approach to personal and professional growth: intentional living. Forget rigid resolutions and unrealistic to-do lists. Intentional living is about setting achievable goals based on your who you truly are and what you deeply desire, and working towards them in a way that aligns with your energy each week. It's about taking a mindful approach with your goals and celebrating small wins that pave the way for a fulfilling year.

Intentions determine your weekly actions that support your larger goals.

Here's how to get started:

1. Connect with your values

What truly matters to you? What do you care about? Identify your core values because these will be the foundation of your goals and intentions.

2. Feel the energy you crave

How do you want to feel this year, month, week? Energized and productive? Calm and grounded? Playful and creative? Tune into your desired emotional state and let it guide your intention setting.

3. Know your limits

We all overestimate what we can achieve! Set achievable goals that easily fit into your life and energy levels. Remember, small steps, taken consistently, lead to bigger things.

4. Be specific

Create clear, actionable intentions instead of vague goals. Intentions are more powerful when they are specific, relatable and positive.

Now you've got your intentions, how do you ensure you actually stick to them? This is where the Intentional Week Planner comes in, your free Notion template.

This planner will help you achieve your goals in a more mindful way. Change the way you approach each week with actionable steps, sustainable routines, habit tracking and more.

The week can be a blur of deadlines and distractions, but I use my Intentional Week Planner to set the tone and stay grounded. In moments of overwhelm, procrastination, or confusion, a quick glance at my planner reminds me of my intentions and brings instant clarity. It's my ideal accountability buddy.

Ready to have a purposeful and productive week? Click here to download your free template.


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