How to Tone the Vagus Nerve Without Using Tech

In the quest for optimal wellbeing, the vagus nerve has gained significant attention.

So much so that at least one business has created a wearable device to tone it, with minimal effort from you—except for the £350 you’ll need to part with to pay for it. So what does the vagus nerve do? And do you really need tech to tone it?? 🤔

This powerful nerve, running from your brainstem down to your abdomen, plays a crucial role in nervous system regulation. Simplifying the science, stimulating and toning the vagus nerve can reduce your body’s response to stress, improve digestion, and boost mood. The good news? You don’t need any tech to tone the vagus nerve.

Here are a couple of ways you can use what you’ve got to tone your vagus nerve:

1. Breathwork
Deep, slow, diaphragmatic breathing with extended exhales stimulates the calming aspects of the vagus nerve. 5-10 ‘belly’ breaths are enough to begin reducing stress reactions.

How to practice diaphragmatic breathing:
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
- Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.
- Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand while keeping your chest relatively still.
- Exhale slowly through your mouth.
- Repeat for for 5-10 breaths.

2. Humming

Humming, chanting, or singing can stimulate the vagus nerve through the vocal cords and hearing pathways. These activities can create vibrations that reach the nerve, promoting a state of calm and relaxation.

How to use your voice:
- Take a few long, slow breaths, humming on the exhale.
- Practice chanting mantras like “Om.”
- Sing along to your favourite songs while you’re in the shower or car. No one will hear but you!

While some devices claim to tone the vagus nerve, their effectiveness can be questionable, especially if based on self-funded studies. Evidence suggests that you need direct contact with the vagus nerve in order to stimulate it.

So why don't you give one of these a try? No 100-day guarantee required... 😉


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